Tagged: horizon

BG5298 200718 215749

AN0995 200724 215508


see more photos of Comet NEOwise

BC2317 190711 175018

BC2326 190711 175236


In mid-December, I drove past the Indiana Dunes and stopped and took the first image; around this time, I’d decided that February would be all black & white images – more on that at the end of the month.  I invited a photographer friend to come along on a dedicated trip back to the dunes and took photos with the intention of creating a week’s worth of black & white images.

We had a fantastic day of photography and conversation, and I ended up with quite a few more than 7 images and some images with fantastic texture and composition.

AY3599 181226 115235

AY3511 181226 112355


see more photos of Indiana Dunes

AX9808 181014 115717

AX3954 180717 202408

AT6894 180203 121420

AU0582 171006 115428 copy

AT3533 171009 115138

AN1823 161022 200255

AN1812 161022 200057

AN1745 161022 194727

AN1572 161022 183056

AN1392 161022 164707

AN1254 161022 161453

AJ0583 161022 131631

AN1817 161022 200235

AN1750 161022 194745

AN1624 161022 191101

AN1419 161022 165118

AN1258 161022 161504

AN1068 161022 152049

AJ0579 161022 311453

AP4299 170122 145516

AG0577 150222 070706

AC9529 150220 070331

AC9382 150219 160139

AC9357 150219 155259