Tagged: 2020

BE8951 200329 132156 copy

BE8793 200325 210847

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BG4511 200704 205432

BL0299 201107 143109

BL0289 201107 133353

10 years of fourpointedstar.com – a Christmas lights abstract for each year

BL1052 201225 193433

BL1050 201225 193429

BL1036 201225 192552

BL0771 201213 204503

BL0744 201213 204210

BL0728 201213 203626

BL0658 201212 201404

BL0647 201212 201305

BL0643 201212 201300

BL0641 201212 201154

BL0244 201107 132537 copy

BL0159 201107 120016

BL0153 201107 115958

BL0141 201107 115242

BL0131 201107 115014

BG8955 201024 094508

BG9005 201024 094922

BG9041 201014 095157

BG9065 201024 095711

BG9115 201024 100709

BG9223 201024 111921

BG9643 201024 165348

BL0105 201106 221557

BL0089 201106 100722

BL0064 201106 214313

BL0043 201106 213024

BL0029 201106 210330

BL0019 201106 205130

BG9983 201106 202307

BL0114 201106 222019

BL0069 201106 215408