Tagged: Lake Michigan

BC5614 190818 125956

BC5560 190818 124944

BC5548 190818 124904

BC6968 190818 152627

BC6760 190818 151024

BC6559 190818 145851

BC6533 190818 145829

BC6510 190818 145651

BC6089 190818 134728

BC6046 190818 134628

BC5823 190818 131214

BC5610 190818 125951

BC3417 190722 204231

BC2230 190711 120421

BC2317 190711 175018

BC2326 190711 175236

BC2255 190711 121540


see more photos of the 2019 Chicago Air & Water Show

BA3992 190407 194227

AY7435 190407 175555

AY6328 190308 132844

AY5464 190219 172844

AY7275 190405 100826

AY6306 190308 132740

AY7261 190329 193838

AY7262 190329 194245

AY7110 190329 095937

AX5157 180814 184632


In mid-December, I drove past the Indiana Dunes and stopped and took the first image; around this time, I’d decided that February would be all black & white images – more on that at the end of the month.  I invited a photographer friend to come along on a dedicated trip back to the dunes and took photos with the intention of creating a week’s worth of black & white images.

We had a fantastic day of photography and conversation, and I ended up with quite a few more than 7 images and some images with fantastic texture and composition.

AY3599 181226 115235

AY3511 181226 112355

AY3397 181225 125737